Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 20 - The Ambush

I am now given knowledge of a great relic, a symbol of power and of wealth which is of the family of the Ubar of Tyros. I, and a small band of brave warriors have ventured into the enemy line to seek word of its location. The lands here, of course, are now in chaos. There are fires, and smoke, and impaled bodies of Free and of Slave alike upon the roads.

We find a man from the Caste of Players who tells us what we seek was liberated by Mercenaries from the ruins of a tower that fell to Ar some days prior. He gives to us the directions and instructions of where he last saw it. I return with the men to Camp, preparing to strike out at first light to the roadway that leads to the sea-port where I suspect the men of Ar will seek to secure a place of landing for their troops. Here, I suspect, we will find an easier course along the coast to the place indicated by the man with whom I spoke.

It is just after sunrise that I spot a scout of Ar. Quickly, we rally ourselves, yet not full to wakefulness when the first arrows descend. We find the warrior who was on watch, murdered in the night. The camp is surrounded. We fight, as larls, cutting down what Arians come within the camp. I have with me slaves now, who bind the enemy that we are free to fight, and who help greatly in the balance of things.  Yet their numbers are too great, and they have taken us by surprise. One by one, we fall beneath their blades.

When it is done, I am gravely wounded. I find near me, the trussed and wounded men of my encampment. Too, there are the slaves which had been taken as prizes.  We are moved then, by wagon and foot to the distant City of  Ar, and there am I separated from my men. They, to place, I another. It is in a guilded cage upon a marble floor that I find myself, left now to wonder the fates of the warriors who survived this grim day.

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